Cantax FormMaster 2020.4.0

Options - File Locations

This panel allows you to select the default folder where the various types of files and templates used by Cantax FormMaster are saved. These locations are determined when Cantax FormMaster is installed, but they can be changed afterwards.

The following table lists the file types whose locations can be modified. It also indicates the file extension used for each type; this can assist you in locating and copying these files to a local installation where desired.


Client files

Client files created using Cantax FormMaster.

Exported files

Data files created during export.
Extensions: .csv


Specify a parent directory

Indicates the central location (parent directory) in which a sub-directory will be created for each template.

You can choose to save the templates to another location by clearing this check box.


Form groups

Group of forms created by the user from the Form Manager.
Extension: .fmf


Print formats

Customized print formats.
Extension: .fmt


Letters and labels

Customized templates for client letters and labels.
Extension: .clt


Preparer profile

Data saved in the preparer profile.
Extension: .prt


Import/export templates

Template files for imported or exported slips
Extension: .iem